Sedoka je še ena izmed japonskih form.
Lahko je razpoloženjska pesem, podobno Tanki ali pa lahko pove neko
Struktura: nerimana pesem, sestavljena iz dveh t.i.
katauta = trivrstičnica z zlogi 5/7/7) z zlogi: 5-7-7,
Tradicionalno, druga katauta pove isto stvar kot prva ali pa jo
smiselno dopolnjuje, vendar na nek drugačen način.
Moj poskus:
Sedoka I. avtor
Ena Sedoka je lahko tudi del večjega sklopa (lahko je recimo ena
kitica). Lep primer neznanega avtorja:
In Your Absence I write Sedoka...
I write sedoka
to tell you how my love grows
even in your short absence.
Since you went away
two bright red roses have bloomed—
your cat brought home a rabbit.
This morning the rain
left wet puddles on the lawn—
wind damaged the cherry tree.
The afternoon sun
dried the grass and I pruned
the minor garden damage.
Did you know actress
Anne Bancroft passed on Monday,
a youngster—seventy-three.
Thank you for phoning
to let me know you’ll be home on
Saturday for the Art Fair.
I must end this note—
the red rose in the white vase
dropped several petals today.
I place two inside—
write your name and lick the stamp
speeding my letter to you.
Out in the June sky
I see your face in the clouds
of the setting sun just now.
I pause in the dark—
on the horizon full moon
casts your shape to stand near me.