A day is not only a day

Have you ever thought
about a day,
any day at all.
How someone else is living it,
or not living it at all.

Have you ever record a day,
from start
to finish,
from midnihgt to midnight,
to live it fully.

A day has 24 hours,
but we throw it away by sleeping eight.
And the rest is just a waste
because you think
it's only a day.

But A day is not only a day,
it's a moment in time,
without time, there would be no day,
no moment to remember.

Cherish a day, any day,
live it!,
like it would be your last,
embrace this present moment,
if only for A day.

(Carpe diem!)

Kompan Matija

Komentiranje je zaprto!

Kompan Matija
Napisal/a: Kompan Matija


  • 29. 12. 2020 ob 18:00
  • Prebrano 273 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 32.31
  • Število ocen: 2
