Hands II

You packed away your ring

And a handful of dust.

It was  the autumn morning

And the sun was  slowly climbing  upon the sky

Like a reluctant  child

It was trudging upon  the heavens

The leaves were rustling in a faint breeze

And the birds were all quiet,  as if they were  feeling

That something was wrong between us

Like  broken hearth and  split wine.

It was the autumn morning

And the sun was slowly climbing upon the sky

The dust was dancing in the air

Like an unwanted mirage of gold

The leaves were dancing on the branches

Trembling in the shallow wind

Like wings of a thousand angels

Time ran away,  like a cheerful child

Laughing in the rain.

Like a reluctant child

It was trudging upon the heavens

The pale moon with the commapy of stars

A lone queen

Waxing and waning

A beauty,  a crone and a child

The changeling and  the herald of changes

Yet still and eternal like smile.

Do you remember?

The leaves were rustling in a faint breeze

And the birds were all quiet,  as if they were feeling

Something has just died

Something just went away

Two hands, reluctant  to hold onto each other

Were hiding in a fabric

Seeking the unrequited warmth

And that something  they were

Hungry and alone for

Someone to hold.

That something was wrong between us

Like a broken hearth and  split wine

You don't come home  anymore

And that old rose  still around perch twines.

The  summer is here again

And the air is light with birdsong

Last night,  there was a storm passing through

Leaving behind a gift of crystal silence

And the warmth of two hands.



Irena Blazinšek

Aleksandra Kocmut - Kerstin

05. 03. 2015 ob 23:47

commapy of stars >> company?



Komentiranje je zaprto!

Irena Blazinšek
Napisal/a: Irena Blazinšek


  • 05. 03. 2015 ob 11:15
  • Prebrano 754 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 45
  • Število ocen: 2
