
Because the sun's too bright,

And the moon's too pale,

Because a lone mountain,

Crumbles under the winter's gale,


Because our eyes are clouded,

Within the silver grass

Because our mouths are sewn shut

No word through them is to pass


Because the stars are red,

And the earth is black.

We are the forgotten children of space

That lost their track


Because our gods abandoned us,

Our paths strayed away from the golden trace

Because of that, my child,

We are hiding our faces.


Because our gait isn’t merciful one,

We are monsters, walking upon this world

Because our kindness is only a bittersweet weapon

Therefore, we are alone.


Irena Blazinšek

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Irena Blazinšek
Napisal/a: Irena Blazinšek


  • 02. 02. 2014 ob 21:59
  • Prebrano 668 krat

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