Once lived a boy ...

[size=12][i] [b]There once lived a boy with a noble heart, with much love to give, with tears to share and virtues so magnifique; but he now cannot bear the sadness and grief, and spends his days in despair. Once joyful a creature (couldn't wait for days to start to show their beauty and glorious might) has become a reflection of once a pretty sight - no more he gazes at mornings for he's become the night! But why all this sadness and grief on his part? The wounded heart torn apart and bruised many years ago to a woman belonged who used her magic on this boy whom she seduced ...[/b][/i][/size]


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Napisal/a: ...Anja...


  • 01. 08. 2008 ob 08:34
  • Prebrano 682 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 258
  • Število ocen: 11
