
[size=12][b] By playing the dangerous game of life was I bereaft of Thy trust! What sin hath caused this lust that cuts me through like a sharp knife? This game's a battle never won, a neverending circle of deceit bringing nothing but defeat! Save my heart or I'll be gone! What right had I to cause Thee pain? It's Him who leads me into sin! Flesh overruling heart that cannot win gives mind the feeling it's all in vain. Oh, what I'do to make it right but cannot resist His tempting calls; I'd crash my head between two walls if I could end His destructive might...[/b][/size]


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Napisal/a: ...Anja...


  • 17. 05. 2008 ob 14:24
  • Prebrano 581 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 188
  • Število ocen: 6
