The Lark III

[size=10]...and the Nightingale[/size] [i][size=8]A sequel ...[/size][/i] [font=Palatino][size=12][b]Up there amongst the claws of trees a nightingale mourns and grieves upon the tale it has heard about the lark, its vision blurred, its twisted thoughts and mind insane. What nightingale felt was pain the shadow caused and brought upon the bird whose essence now is gone - The sounds and screams of horror low are, brought by death - asunder now the nightingale's heart is torn when seeing that a beast's been born! No longer can it stand the dark, but grabs its wings and takes the lark up there above the mountain high, where nothing's seen, nor heard a sigh. [/b][/size][/font]


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Napisal/a: ...Anja...


  • 26. 03. 2008 ob 22:16
  • Prebrano 878 krat

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