The Lark II

[i][size=8]A sequel...[/size][/i] [b][size=12][font=Palatino]The night is gone, new dawn arose the golden day the lark surprised for breathing into it new life! And thus the lark received a knife to cut its wings, to be set free, to grow new ones, to feel the glee of life, the sun, the smell of trees, the morning air, the warmth, the breeze ... But all the glory, beauty there to none the lark could e'er compare - its song has turned to lethal screams, to life have turned most awful dreams. The lark is now a savage beast and seeks for nothing but a feast, that knife was giv'n to kill its breath - to life the lark was brought by death.[/font][/size][/b]


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Napisal/a: ...Anja...


  • 26. 03. 2008 ob 22:14
  • Prebrano 943 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 212
  • Število ocen: 8
