Ena ne tako Novoletna

(Collateral damage)

Merry December is coming up,
my birthday and all that crap.
I see people walking around
with this stupid grinning smile
on their faces
saying -
(or just thinking):
Yeah, it was hard,
but we've made it,
we've put
another one up the pile,
but I'm a driver,
I'm a winner,
things are gonna change,
I can feel it in my bones.
I do know what they are saying,
'cos I remember the times
when I was happy
to put another hour up the pile,
and I remember the times
when I was not -
but that's another story.
Anyway I got to 46,
didn't I?
And, gosh it was a long dive -
I don't see any more depth
in front of my -
but you newer know,
you newer know.
As I was saying
fucking worst time
of the year
if you ask me -
but nobody is -
I guess that's why.

Joško Potrebujem

Komentiranje je zaprto!

Joško Potrebujem
Napisal/a: Joško Potrebujem


  • 17. 02. 2011 ob 05:56
  • Prebrano 477 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 70
  • Število ocen: 3
