Help from "above"

Many times in my life, I feel a guiding hand,
watching over me, helping me understand.

In moments of doubt, when I stray astray,
it leads me back on the right way.

Protecting me from harm, from wrong turns I might take,
guiding me towards choices that are right to make.

I am grateful for this presence, this guiding light,
that watches over me both in the day and the night.

For in times of trouble, when I feel lost and alone,
I know that I am never truly on my own.

So I trust in the unseen, in the power above,
to guide me with wisdom, with patience and love.

Tomaž Jevšenak

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Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 01. 03. 2024 ob 08:20
  • Prebrano 77 krat

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