Spring in the fields

In lush fields, some grasses are already green,
as some flowers awaken from their sleep,
while birds take flight and dance upon the scene,
and joy springs forth from slumber, running deep.

The promise of new life surrounds us now,
in every bud and bloom that starts to grow,
with every chirp and song, we hear somehow,
the melody of nature’s gentle flow.

Each blade of grass, a testament to life,
each petal opened up to drink the sun,
each bird in flight, a graceful, soaring kite.

Each moment filled with wonders just begun,
so let us revel in this wondrous morn,
as nature’s beauty wakes us, new day born.

Tomaž Jevšenak

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Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 20. 02. 2024 ob 10:12
  • Prebrano 54 krat

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