The morning light

In the morning light, I turn my head to the sky
amidst the mists, a red circle catches my eye
the sun, a fiery orb, rises high and bright
bringing warmth and joy to my heart and sight.

With every dawn, it peeks above the horizon
a golden glow that banishes the night's cold shroud
the world awakens, and all nature's voices
sing a chorus of praise to the rising sun, loud.

Its rays illuminate the clouds and the trees
bringing color and life to all it sees
the world is bathed in a warm, golden light
a beautiful sight, a wondrous sight.

The sun's smile, a beacon of hope and cheer
a promise of a new day, free from fear
a time to start anew, to let go of the past
and embrace the present, with joy and laughter at last.

So I look dreamily at the red circle in the sky
a symbol of hope, a source of inspiration, high
for in its light, I find my own inner strength
a sense of purpose, a reason to be present.

Tomaž Jevšenak

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Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 12. 01. 2024 ob 21:20
  • Prebrano 59 krat

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