I dream of wealth

In twilight's hush, where shadows dance and play,
I dream of wealth, a fortune to sway,
To hide from worldly cares and troubles deep,
And find solace in the furry sleep.

Away from prying eyes and wagging tongues,
I'd seek a refuge, where I belong,
With only furry friends to keep me warm,
And the soft rustle of the spruce's song.

The trees would whisper secrets in my ear,
Of a world untainted by fear,
Where love and joy, and peace, would reign,
And money's weight would fade like rain.

So let me dream, and let me hide,
In this enchanted forest, wild and wide,
For here, with furry friends by my side,
I'd find true wealth, and peace, and pride.

Tomaž Jevšenak

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Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 08. 01. 2024 ob 06:10
  • Prebrano 64 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 40.5
  • Število ocen: 2
