The dusty path

Beneath the Linden tree, where petals fall like rain,
A poet strolls, lost in thought, as poems form again.
He stops to watch the flowers sway, delicate and light,
As if they dance to songs that only they can hear tonight.

Step by step, he wanders through the dusty path,
His footsteps quiet on the earth, his heart full of wrath.
For in this place, where beauty reigns supreme,
He finds solace from life's chaotic dream.

Look around, and you will see the world anew,
Through eyes that seek the beauty, pure and true.
Smile, for in this moment, all is well,
And joy and peace fill up your soul to dwell.

The birds sing sweetly in the trees above,
Their melodies a symphony of love.
And though the world may seem so grand and wide,
Here, beneath the Linden tree, we find our pride.

So let us pause, and take a breath,
And let the beauty of this day be our death.
For here, in this enchanted spot, we find
A sense of peace that cannot be defined.

Tomaž Jevšenak


18. 12. 2023 ob 17:55

Lepa pesem!

Prišlo mi je na misel, da bi lahko bil tudi drevored lip pri gradu Kalc, kjer je Vilhar dobil navdih za pesem Lipa zelenela je.


Tomaž Jevšenak

19. 12. 2023 ob 14:41

Mene je bolj pritegnila tista ogromna lipa na Jamniku in razgled od tam


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 18. 12. 2023 ob 11:13
  • Prebrano 72 krat

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