Dirty old sailor

Gentle and young
her body on me
Barely adult
a new fish in the sea
The sea of deception, lies and abuse.
Which I've sailed all over
but to copy refuse

Her hair through my fingers
my palm on her scull
I want to protect her
but I wanted them all
She leans her pure body
closer to mine
I might be her first
while she's just one down the line

My lips have touched many
the good and the bad
Done things I'm not proud of
but none to regret
I've danced with the devil
enjoyed all his friends
But I won't taint the fountain
with greasy black hands

I lay a kiss on her forehead
as I say goodnight
I've been through dark places
but I kept the light
While avoiding the thought
of her gentle skin
My hands might be dirty
but soul I kept clean.



28. 04. 2023 ob 17:24

Lepa pesem o moških, ki znajo presoditi žensko in vedo, kaj početi in kako početi s katero vrsto žensk!! Včasih moški pač ne sme "izpolniti" vsake želje, ki jo ženska izraža.

My hands might be dirty
but soul I kept clean.


Lidija Brezavšček - kočijaž


03. 05. 2023 ob 20:00

Tole bi pa krasno uglasbil kakšen irski folk pevec ... ( yust a thought) ;)

Fajn ritem in rima.

Lp, Lidija


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Napisal/a: lukapirc


  • 28. 04. 2023 ob 11:22
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