Kresnice šopaste se belijo v tèmi,

rastejo prav na obronkih gozda.

Krasijo belo noč, ko dan nam je najdajši

in praprot sipa seme vseh spoznanj.


Spoznanja so različna – kakor komu:

nekdo v tej noči sliši svoje bližnje,

nekdo uvidi vse, kar slabega je delal,

nekomu pa zapoje o ljubezni slavec.


Žalostno, ker dan je vedno krajši,

a dobro je, če polni smo lepote majske

in gremo v dvoje v plišasto temó.


Pela deklica je pesem pozno zjutraj;

majsko pesem v juniju bohotnem.

Spet sestavljala je drobce časa v svoj čas.*





St. Augustine’s Reflections on Memory and Time and the Current Concept of Subjective Time in Mental Time Travel



Reconstructing the past and anticipating the future, i.e., the ability of travelling in mental time, is thought to be at the heart of consciousness and, by the same token, at the center of human cognition. This extraordinary mental activity is possible thanks to the ability of being aware of ‘subjective time’. In the present study, we attempt to trace back the first recorded reflections on the relations between time and memory, to the end of the fourth century’s work, the Confessions, by the theologian and philosopher, St. Augustine. We concentrate on Book 11, where he extensively developed a series of articulated and detailed observations on memory and time. On the bases of selected paragraphs, we endeavor to highlight some concepts that may be considered as the product of the first or, at least, very early reflections related to our current notions of subjective time in mental time travel. We also draw a fundamental difference inherent to the frameworks within which the questions were raised. The contribution of St. Augustine on time and memory remains significant, notwithstanding the 16 centuries elapsed since it was made, likely because of the universality of its contents.



pi - irena p.

18. 06. 2022 ob 20:36

zelo lepo izpeljano, tako pomensko kot besedno

in zelo zanimiv članek, hvala





18. 06. 2022 ob 22:38

Ah, kako včasih bežna omemba, ki jo slišim, vzbudi stihe.

Gre za omembo Sv.Auguština, ki je opisal čas tako, kot ga razlagajo sodobni fiziki (Frekvenca X - Val202).


Stojan Knez

19. 06. 2022 ob 07:02

Spoznanja so različna – kakor komu:

Zanimiv zapis :-)
Lp  Stojan 


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Napisal/a: Nada


  • 18. 06. 2022 ob 18:32
  • Prebrano 372 krat

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Ocenjevanje je zaključeno!

  • Število doseženih točk: 89.5
  • Število ocen: 2
