Stones of love

The shadows

are whispering in my ear

mysterious song
that you need to hear.


Trees and stones
they whisper me
wonder song
we can not see.


From the mountains top
to the coast so near
where stones are melted
and drums are near.


Find that stones
and you will see
what the life
of mankind should be.


Full of love and
full of dare
the morning mist
will show you trail.


Find the rock that˝s
in the sea
but on the mountain
it should be.


It will lead you
it will show
where the sky
turns into glow.


The Stones
are whispering
to me
tears of love
on us is moss.


The moss
it guards
a secret big
just for ears
that can speak.



Aleš Kastelic

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Aleš Kastelic
Napisal/a: Aleš Kastelic


  • 11. 06. 2022 ob 11:37
  • Prebrano 217 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 45.2
  • Število ocen: 2
