
Prevod: Resurrection - Prerojenje


Kiss me voraciously under the tender, pale moon.
Beneath the gnarled oak tree.
A testament to strength and perseverance,
It grows wild.
Awaken me to the mysteries of this frail human body.
So, that I may breathe, enveloped in the intricate nature of your soul.

For two lovers to meet under the tender, pale moon,
Beneath that hungry, wild gnarled oak tree,
They must find grief in one another.
Crushing leaves gingerly, like faded memories,
Until they are resurrected.
Evolving into

A new nebulous and pulsating life form.

(napisala Alanah of the Fay) 




(prevedla TanjaT) 


Nenasitno me poljubi pod spokojno, bledo luno.
Razvejani je hrast nad nama,
Ki obljublja
Moč, predanost, obstajénje.
Prebúdi v meni vse skrivnosti
Krhkega človeškega telesa,
Da zadiham v objemu tvoje duše zagonetne,
Ki me preveva.

Ko ljubimca srečata se pod spokojno, bledo luno,
Pod divjim lačnim hrastom,
Drug v drugem začutita bolečino.
Lističe drobita nežne
Kot spomine bežne.
Dokler se ne prerodita.

Zaživita v obliki novi.
V meglici.
Življenju vibrirajočem.

(Alanah of the Fae - Resurrection)
(Prevod Tanja TJ)


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