
Touch me
burn me
and turn me into ash.
I will be reborn like a phoenix
and fly into the air.
Everything I touch will burn
and turn to ash.


So touch me,
feel me,
I will burn you to the ash,
so you can rise like phoenix,
fly with me,
finaly free
through the air.
Everything we touch will burn
and turn to sand.


And lets play with the sand,
we will build glass cities,
full of glass people,
recreate the ashes of the world,
let's destroy everything we don't understand.


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Napisal/a: Transhumanist


  • 03. 03. 2014 ob 02:13
  • Prebrano 622 krat

Uredniško pregledano.

Ocenjevanje je zaključeno!

  • Število doseženih točk: 90.2
  • Število ocen: 3
