Ko razum spi/Occupation of the Mind (Francisco Goya)

Če si zagaman

itak si frdaman

itak si

If the truth is swallowed

then your soul is hollowed

another bit

If you eat your freedom

you will shit your freedom

if you eat

if you buy your water

and the air by the quarter

realise you’re cheated

history’s repeated devil’s wit

What is your occupation?

Well, I am a sinner.


Q: Is it true, you are a saint?

A: **'==*+00"#&$%.

Q: Is it true, you are the Messiah?

A: "#$%/&/()=$%#$%%.

What is your occupation?

What is your occupation?

What is your occupation?

gazda voli meso

voli tvoje meso

voli ga


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Napisal/a: Radmanovic


  • 17. 10. 2013 ob 00:01
  • Prebrano 695 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 33.8
  • Število ocen: 1
