The Lark

[color=#201F40][b][font=Palatino]When darkness falls upon the land and stillness dwells on river's bank, a shadow comes out from the dark yet no one hears it; e'en a lark is singing songs in haunted woods in fear of silence and new wounds - the shadow might be causing pain, its aim is that the lark is slain. The song of silence, though, still lasts and thus for life the lark now gasps... Convincéd that the lark is gone the shadow laughs and turns to dawn. Though seeming dead its heart still beats but barely, look, its fate defeats. Forever now the lark is scarred, its wings, its sight, its life - all marred.[/font][/b][/color]


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Napisal/a: ...Anja...


  • 25. 01. 2008 ob 00:10
  • Prebrano 1684 krat

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