when in the morning your hand caresses me
like the sunshine's ray it takes me out of the dark
then i look into your eyes
and i lean my weak body on your shoulder

i'm never afraid of the dark
cause every evening you press me to yourself
and whisper in my ear
you touch my belly whit your finger
and i'm in seventh haven
when the two of us
become one
to show our love so kind
this is what i remind
when in the morning your hand caresses me

when i look your angles face
i'm overflowing, i'm moved to tears
how beautiful and perfect you are
not even a prose could catch it
your deep greenblue eyes
sparkling, smiling all the time
take me all my strength
and your smile joyful and always honest
would wake me up even from death
like the sunshines ray it takes me out of the dark

your voice is the most beautiful
it takes me to the dreamy world of mine
i nearly melt every time i hear you
the fact that you love me isn't real for me
and i'm scared for you every day to lose
you are different and special
and i need to have you by my side
i'm wondering day by day
how you can mean that much to me
then i look in to your eyes

however, your appearance is superficial
your soul is the treasure at least
but there's only me, who can truly see
how gentle and kind you can really be
you are always taking care of me
and always you're hiding yourself under a mask
a mask which to remove was my task
for now you cant know how much you gave me
you gave me new life and a new reality
and i lean my weak body on your shoulder.

Katarina Prislan

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Katarina Prislan
Napisal/a: Katarina Prislan


  • 19. 04. 2010 ob 21:04
  • Prebrano 670 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 115
  • Število ocen: 4
