In a moment of time

In a moment of time, I sought a stand
against the devil's icy hand so cold
cutting my brain with an ice knife so bold
as I pondered life, a wild comet's life, grand.

From the heavens above, it did descend
a blazing trail of fire in the sky
reminding me that even as we die
our legacy lives on, forever penned.

But in the darkness, shadows still do creep
and in my heart, the devil's whispers taunt
a battle waged within, my soul to keep.

Yet still I stand, against the icy haunt
for in the end, it is my will to leap
and face the devil's icy hand, as I want.

Tomaž Jevšenak

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Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 30. 03. 2024 ob 06:17
  • Prebrano 94 krat

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