Prevod dela: NIN-ME-ŠAR-RA

Avtor izvirnika: Enheduana (delovala v l. 2285 – 2250 pr.Kr.)


(1) Kraljica vseh neštetih bitk - preštevilnih da bi jih lahko prešteli - ki se dviga kot sijoča ​​svetloba


(2) Ženska - najbolj zagnana - oblečena v strašljiv sijaj ki jo ljubita An in Uras -


(3) Ljubljenka An z velikim naprsnikom



(4) Ti ki ljubiš pravo aga-krono – primerno tvojemu duhovništvu


(5) Opolnomočena z vsemi svojimi sedmimi bitkami


(6) Moja kraljica - Ti si varuh velikih bitk


(7) Dvignila si bitke - drži jih v roki svoji



(8) Izbrala si - stisnila na svoje prsi



(9) Kot zmaj vržeš strup na sovražno deželo


(10) V regijah kjer si grmel kot Iskur - Asnan zaradi tebe ne obstaja več


(11) Poplavne vode privrejo na takšno sovražno zemljo



(12) Ti si najvišja v nebesih in na zemlji -

ti jim pripadaš


(13) Nenehni divji ogenj mečeš

na Sumersko deželo


(14) Kraljica ki ji je An dal

da jezdi na zveri


(15) Pooblaščena z besedo ki določa usodo An -

izgovarjaš te besede


(16) Veliki obredi so tvoji --

kdo drug bi lahko razumel njihov pomen


(17) Uničevalka sovražnih dežel -

dala si moč nevihti


(18) Enlilova ljubljenka -

pustila si da groza zavlada nad Sumersko deželo


(19) Stala si pripravljena -

čakajo da izpolnijo ukaze An


(20) Moja kraljica! Vse sovražne dežele se priklonijo ob zvoku tvojega rjovenja


(21) Pod tvojim strašnim sijajem

Tvoj strašni blesk in nevihta - ljudje


(22) so v nemem strahu obrnili svoje korake proti tebi


(23). -- od vseh

dojela si najstrašnejše in globoko pretresljivo --


(24) Človeštvo je odprlo vrata solza na

Tvoj račun


(25) Morajo hoditi po poti do hiše vseh

velikih žalosti -

na Tvojem računu


(26) Zaradi tebe je bilo vse dobljeno

še pred bitko.


(27) Moja kraljica! S tvojo močjo lahko zob zdrobi celo kremen


(28) Kot vihar k nam pridrviš


(29) S hrumečo nevihto hrumiš


(30) Z Iskurjem si gromovnica


(31) Z besno nevihto vse izčrpaš


(32) medtem ko se noga še nikoli ni utrudila


(33) S harfo žalostink

nekdo zaigra žalostinko


(34) Moja kraljica! Anuna - veliki bogovi -


(35) Kot prestrašeni netopirji

od-plahutajo stran od Tebe na vrh gomil



(36) Niso mogli vzdržati Tvojega uničujočega pogleda


(37) Ne morejo se upreti strahu ob pogledu

na tvoje čelo


(38) Kdo bo pomiril Tvoje jezno srce


(39) Tvoje sovražno srce je postalo preveč nasilno

da bi ga pomiril!


(40) Kraljica - ali je bila Tvoja duša res zadovoljna

Kraljica - je Tvoje srce zdaj res polno veselja


(41) Tvoj bes se ne ohladi, velika hči Suena


(42) Kraljica - večja si od sovražne dežele --

kdo bi si upal vzeti kaj tvojega ozemlja


(43) Na svoje ozemlje vzamete 'gorovje'

Asnana ni več


(44) Pred njegovimi velikimi vrati je bil podtaknjen ogenj


(45) Kri je tekla v njegovi reki za Tebe -

njegovi ljudje so jo morali piti namesto Tebe


(46) Njihove čete - vse zbrane -

So se Ti morale predati


(47) Tudi njihove izbrane čete – skupaj združene -

Zaradi Tebe je bilo potrebno udariti po njih


(48) Tudi njihovi močni možje - vsi

so morali obstati pred Teboj


(49) V mestnih zabaviščnih krajih divja nevihta


(50) Svoje najboljše može lovijo kot ujetnike za Te


(51) Mesto ki ne bi reklo "Ta dežela je tvoja"


(52) kjer ljudje niso rekli "On je Tvoj ljubeči



(53) Izrekel je Tvojo besedo ki določa usodo -

ozemlje je obnovljeno pod Tvojimi nogami


(54) Potem skrb izgine od znotraj -

iz njihove stojnice


(55) Tista ženska tam -

z zakoncem ne govori več o ljubezni


(56) Ponoči se ne posvetuje več z njim


(57) Ne razkriva mu več svoje notranjosti -

ki nosi upanje v prihodnje življenje


(58) Napadalna divja krava - velika hči Suena


(59) Kraljica - večja od nebes -

kdo bi si drznil vzeti katero od Tvojih ozemelj


(60) Velika kraljica (NIN.GAL) med kraljicami

rojena za pravičnega


(61) Rojena iz telesa - obremenjenega z usodo -

večja si od lastne matere


(62) Polna modrosti – predvidevanja - kraljica nad vsemi deželami


(63) ki omogoča obstoj mnogim

Zdaj začenjam tvojo usodno pesem


(64) Vse mogočno božanstvo -

to kar si veličastno izrekla je



(65) Neizmernega srca - oh zelo zagnana


sijočega srca - zdaj Ti bom naštel


(66) V svoj Gipar - ki določa usodo - sem vstopil



(67) Jaz - en-svečenica - jaz En-hedu-Ana


(68) Medtem ko sem nosila košaro - sem zapela pesem veselja


(69) kot da tam ne bi živela -

Ko so darovali smrtno žrtev


(70) Približala sem se svetlobi -

tu mi je luč postala žgoča


(71) Približala sem se senci -

tam jo je zakrila nevihta


(72) Moja sladka usta so postala strupena


(73) To - s čimer sem dala veselje - se je spremenilo

v prah


(74) Mojo usodo  delim s Suen in Lugal-Ane


(75) poročaj An!

Naj to reši zame!


(76). Takoj o tem obvesti An

An bo to rešil za nas!


(77) "Gospa bo odtrgala usodo Lugal-Ane


(78) Ob njenih nogah leži sovražna zemlja in povodenj


(79) Resnično je mogočna -

poskrbela bo - da bo mesto trepetalo pred njo


(80) Pojdi (pred sodišče),

da bo v srcu zame pomirjena!"


(81) En-hedu-Ana sem jaz -

zdaj bom molila k tebi


(82) Moje solze - kot sladko pivo


(83) zdaj sem jih preprosto prelila zate –

Inana, ki določaš usodo -

"Tvoja presoja!" Ti rečem


(84) Kar se tiče ASimbabbarja -

Naj Te ne skrbi


(85) Med spreminjanjem očiščevalnih obredov

Ana ki določa usodo -

vse mu je spremenil -


(86) odtrgal je Eano od An!


(87) Ni pokazal strahospoštovanja do najbolj častitljivega Boga (AN)!


(88) Ta hiša - katere obilja on [AN] ni

bil sit -

katere lepote ni okusil -


(89) on [Lugalane] je spremenil to hišo v zaničevan dom zanj!


(90) Ves čas, ob vstopu - kot da bi bil

spremljevalec -

pristopil je k meni z zavistjo!


(91) Moja pregnana, božanska, divja krava!

Tega 'nekoga' moraš odgnati -

tega 'nekoga' moraš prijeti!


(92) Na tem mestu - kjer je življenje možno --

Kaj sem?


(93) To uporniško ozemlje - ki ga Tvoja Nanna prezira -

Moral bi jih prisiliti, da se predajo!


(94) To mesto -- An bi ga moral uničiti!


(95) Enlil bi moral to prekleti!


(96) Mati ne sme pomiriti jokajočega otroka!


(97) Kraljica! Žalosti - ki so se razlegale

po deželi -


(98) tvoja ladja jokajoča naj ostane

v sovražni deželi!


(99) In zaradi moje pesmi - ki določa usodo - moram umreti?


(100) Jaz -- moja Nanna ni skrbela zame


(101) V uporniški deželi -

popolnoma in popolnoma so me uničili


(102) ASimbabbar mi prav gotovo ni izrekel dokončne sodbe!


(103) Ali je to izgovoril-- ali to kaj pomeni?

Ali tega ni rekel-- ali to kaj pomeni?


(104) Potem ko je stal tam v zmagoslavju -

izgnal me je iz templja


(105) Zaradi njega sem letela kot lastovka z okna -

moje življenje je bilo uničeno --


(106) in tako moram v trnato podrast

sovražne dežele


(107) Strgal je zakonito aga-krono en-shipa

z moje glave


(108) Ko mi je dal bodalo - je rekel -

"To je zdaj tvoj okras!"


(109) Ena in edina kraljica - Anova ljubljena -


(110) Mogočno je tvoje srce, ki določa usodo,

zaradi mene, naj se obrne na svoje mesto!


(111) Ljubljena žena Usumgal-Ane -


(112) Od Zemlje do zenita neba,

ti si velika kraljica (NIN.GAL),


(113) Anuna se je vam podredil


(114) Od rojstva si bila mala kraljica -


(115) Anuna, vsi veliki bogovi -

kako si jih presegla!


(116) Anuna s svojimi ustnicami poljubi tla

pred Teboj


(117) Moje sojenje še ni končano -

a tuj stavek me obdaja - kot bi bil


moj stavek


(118) V sijočo posteljo -

nisem iztegnila roke


(119) Niti temu 'nekomu' nisem razkril besed


(120) Sijoča ​​svečenica Nanna sem jaz


(121) Moja kraljica, Anova ljubljenka,

naj bo tvoje srce pomirjeno.


(122) Znano bo - znano bo:

Nanna ni razglasila nobene prepovedi -

"Vaše je" je rekla!


(123) Da si tako visoki kot nebo - bo znano!


(124) Da si tako prostrana kot zemlja, bo znano!



(125) Da boš uničila uporniška ozemlja –

 bo znano!


(125a) Da rjoveš proti sovražnim deželam –

bo znano!


(126) Da boš zdrobila  (sovražne) voditelje, bo znano!


(127) Da požreš trupla kot plenilec –

bo znano!


(128) Da je Tvoj pogled zastrahujoč - bo znano!


(129) Da dvigneš svoj zastrahujoč pogled –

bo znano!


(130) Da je Tvoj pogled iskriv - bo znano!


(131) Da ste neomajna in nepopustljiva –

bo znano!


(132) Da vedno stojiš zmagoslavno –

bo znano!


(133) Da Nanna ni razglasila(dekreta) -

da je rekel: "Tvoj je" -


(134) moja kraljica - to te je naredilo večjo -

postala si največja!


(135) Moja kraljica - Anova ljubljena -

Oznanila bom vso Tvojo jezo!


(136) Zložila sem oglje -

pripravili očiščevalne obrede -


(137) Esdam-ku je pripravljen za Te -

ali se bo tvoje srce umirilo zame?


(138) Ker je bilo srce polno, prepolno,

velika kraljica, Tebi ga dam


139. Kaj Ti je bilo povedano ob polnoči -


(140) opoldne Ti bo ponovil obredni pevec:


(141) "Zaradi Tvojega ujetnika -

zaradi Zvojega ujetniškega varovanca -


(142) Tvoja jeza je narasla -

Tvoje srce se ni umirilo"


(143) Kraljica mogočna -

vladarica nad zbiranjem 'en' -


(144) je sprejela njeno molitev in žrtev


(145) Srce Inane - ki določa usodo - se je obrnilo na svoje mesto


(146) Luč je bila sladka zanjo - slast je bila razlita nad njo -

polna obilne lepote je bila


(147) Kot svetloba vzhajajoče lune (NANNA),

tudi ona je bila odeta v očaranost


148 Nanna je prišla ven da bi upravičeno gledala (vate) s strahospoštovanjem -


149 (on in) njena mati Ningal sta jo blagoslovila -


(150) nato pa ji je stebriček vrat rekel: "Pozdravljena!"


(151) Kar je vsak rekel nugigu - je vzvišeno


(152) Uničevalka sovražnih dežel -

obdarjena z ME iz An -


153 Moja kraljica – očarana -

(Tebi) Inana bodi slava!




16. 07. 2022 ob 11:32

(1) Queen of all the ME, too numerous to count, rising forth as resplendent light


(2) Woman , most driven, clothed in frightening radiance, loved by An and Uras,


(3) An's nugig, you are above all the great SUHkese-breastplates,


(4) You, who love the right aga-crown, who is suited for the en-priest-hood,

(5) empowered with all of its all seven ME --

(6) my queen! You are the guardian of the great ME!

(7) You have uplifted the ME, you have held the Me in your hand.

(8) You have gathered the ME, you have clasped the ME to your chest.

(9) Like a dragon you cast venom upon the enemy land.

(10) In the regions where you thundered like Iskur, Asnan no longer exists because of you

(11) Flooding waters surge down on such an enemy land

(12) You are the supreme one in Heaven and Earth,
you are their Inana!

(13) Unceasing raging fire,
you shower down upon the land of Sumer

(14) Queen, whom An gave the ME,
you ride atop a beast

(15) Authorized by the fate-determining word of An,
you utter words.

(16) The great rites are yours--
who else could fathom their meaning?

(17) Destroyer of enemy lands-
you empowered the storm

(18) Beloved of Enlil,
you let terror reign over the land of Sumer

(19) You stood prepared,
waiting to fulfill the orders of An

(20) My Queen!
All enemy lands bow down at the sound of your roar!

21. Under your fearsome radiance,
your terrible glare and storm, the people

(22) turned their steps toward you in mute dread

(23) -- of all the ME,
you had grasped the most terrible and deeply stirring--

(24) Mankind opened the gateway of tears, on your account

(25) They must walk the path to the house of all the great laments,
on your account.

(26) Because of you, all  had been ripped away
even before the battle.

(27) My Queen! With your strength a tooth can even crush flint !

(28) Like an invasive storm you barge in.

(29) With the howling storm you howl.

(30) With Iskur you thunder.

(31) With raging thunderstorm you do exhaust,

(32) while your own foot has never yet tired.

(33) With the harp of laments
one strikes up a song of lamentation

(34) My Queen! The Anuna, the great gods,

(35) Like terrified bats,
fluttered away from you to the top of the mounds of ruins.

(36) They could not withstand your devastating glance .

(37) They cannot stand up against the fright on your brow.


(38) Who shall soothe your angry heart?

(39) Your hostile heart has become too violent to pacify!

(40) Queen, has your soul really been satisfied?
Queen, is your heart really now filled with joy?

(41) Your rage does not cool, great daughter of Suen!

(42) Queen, greater than the enemy land--
who would dare take away any of your territory?

(43) You take the ‘mountain range’ into your territory:
its Asnan is no longer.

(44) Fire was set against its great gate.

(45) Blood flowed in its river for you,
its people had to drink it for you.

(46) Their troops, all gathered together,
had to surrender themselves to you.

(47) Even their elite troups, united together,
had to be struck down for you.

(48) Even their strong men- all of them,
had to stand before you

(49) In the town’s places of pleasure, a storm rages.

(50) They hunt down their best men as captives for you.

(51) The city, which would not say “This land is yours!”

(52) where the people did not say “He is your loving father!”--

(53) He has spoken your fate-determining word :
the territory is restored beneath your foot.

(54) Then care  disappears from within,
from their stall.

(55) That woman there -
she no longer speaks of love with her spouse.

(56) At night she no longer holds counsel with him.

(57) She no longer reveals her innermost self to him ,
which holds the hope of future life.

(58) Aggressive wild cow, great daughter of Suen,

(59) Queen, greater than heaven-
who would dare take any of your territories from you?

(60) The Great queen (NIN.GAL) of queens,
born for the rightful  ME,

(61) born of a fate-laden body,
you are even greater than your own mother,

(62) full of wisdom, foresight, queen

over all lands,

(63) who allows existence to many,
I now strike up your fate-determining song!

(64) All powerful divinity, suitable for the ME,
that which you have said magnificently is the most powerful!

(65) Of unfathomable heart [32], oh highly driven woman,
of radiant heart, your ME, I will list for you now!

(66) Into my fate-determining Gipar, I had entered for you.

(67) I, the en-priestess, I, En-hedu-Ana.

(68) While I carried the basket, I struck up the song of jubilation,

(69) as though I had not lived there,
they offered the death sacrifice.

(70) I came close to the light,
there the light became scorching to me.

(71) I came close to the shadow,
there it was veiled by a storm.

(72) My sweet mouth became venomous.

(73) That with which I gave delight, turned

to dust.

(74) My fate with Suen and Lugal-Ane,

(75) report it to An!
May An resolve it for me!

(76) Report it to An immediately.
An will resolve it for us!

(77) "The Lady will tear away the destiny of Lugal-Ane.

(78) At her feet lie hostile land and flood.

(79) She is truly mighty-
she will make the town tremble before her.

(80) Go (before the court),
so that she will be calm in her heart for me!"

(81) En-hedu-Ana am I,
I will now say a prayer to you.

(82) My tears, like sweet beer

(83) I now shed them freely for you, fate-determining Inana,
"Your judgement!" I will say to you.

(84) As for ASimbabbar,
concern yourself not!

(85) While changing the purfication rites of the fate-determining An,
he altered everything for him,

(86) he tore away the Eana from An!

(87) He showed no awe for the most venerable God (AN)!

(88) This house, whose abundance he [AN] was not sated with,
whose beauty he had not tasted,

(89) he [Lugalane] turned this house into a despised home for him!

(90) All the while, upon entering, as if he were the companion,
he approached me with envy!

(91) My driven, divine, wild cow!
You must drive away this 'someone',
you must seize this 'someone'!

(92) In this place where life is made possible--
what am I?

(93) This rebellious territory, despised by your Nanna:
An should force them to surrender!

(94) This city-- An should strike it down!

(95) Enlil should curse it!

(96) The mother shall not soothe her crying child!

(97) Queen! The laments which were struck up over the land,

(98) your ship of wailing should be left behind in the enemy land!

(99) And because of my fate-determining song -- must I die?

(100) I-- my Nanna has cared not for me [49].

(101) In the rebellious land,
they completely and utterly destroyed me.

(102) ASimbabbar most certainly has not passed a final judgement upon me!

(103) Has he spoken it-- does it mean anything?
Has he not spoken it-- does it mean anything?

(104) After he stood there in triumph,
he expelled me from the temple.

(105) He made me fly like a swallow from the window-
my life was consumed --

(106) and so I must go to the thorny undergrowth of the enemy land.

(107) He tore the rightful aga-crown of en-ship from me.

(108) Handing me a dagger, he said,
"This is now your ornament!"

(109) One and only Queen, beloved of An,

(110) Mighty is your fate-determining heart,
for my sake, may it be turned to its place!

(111) Beloved wife of Usumgal-Ana

(112) From the base to the zenith of heaven,
you are the great Queen (NIN.GAL),

(113) the Anuna have submitted to you.

(114) From birth you were the smaller queen,

(115) the Anuna, all the great gods--
how you have surpassed them!

(116) The Anuna kiss the ground before you with their lips.

(117) My own trial is not yet over,
but a stranger sentence surrounds me as though it were my sentence.

(118) To the radiant bed,
I did not stretch out my hand.

(119) Nor did I reveal the words of Ningal to that 'someone'.

(120) The radiant en -priestess of Nanna am I.

(121) My Queen, beloved of An,
may your heart be calmed for me.

(122) It shall be known, it shall be known:
Nanna has proclaimed no decree,
"It is yours" is what he has said!

(123) That you are as high as heaven, shall be known!

(124) That you are as wide as the earth, shall be known!

(125) That you anhilate rebelling territiories, shall be known!

(125a) That you roar against the enemy lands, shall be known!

(126) That you crush the leaders, shall be known!

(127) That you devour corpses like a predator, shall be known!

(128) That your glance is terrible, shall be known!

(129) That you raise your terrible glance, shall be known!

(130) That your glance is sparkling, shall be known!

(131) That you are unshakable and unyielding, shall be known!

(132) That you always stand triumphant, shall be known!

(133) That Nanna has not proclaimed (the decree),
that he has said, "It is yours",

(134) my Queen- it has made you greater,
you have become the greatest!

(135) My Queen, beloved of An,
I will announce all of your wrath![59]

(136) I have heaped the coals,
prepared the purification rites,

(137) The Esdam-ku stands ready for you-
will not your heart calm down for me?

(138) Since the heart was full, too full,
great Queen, I birthed it for you.

139. What was said to you at midnight,

(140) the cult singer shall repeat it to you at midday:

(141) "Because of your captive spouse,
because of your captive protégé,

(142) your anger has grown large,
your heart has not calmed down."

(143) The Queen, the strong one,
the ruler over the gathering of the 'en' [63],

(144) she did accept her prayer and sacrifice [64] .

(145) The heart of fate-determining Inana has turned to its place.

(146) The light was sweet for her, delight was spread over her,
full of abundant beauty was she.

(147) As the light of the rising moon (NANNA),
she too was clothed in enchantment.

148 Nanna came out  to rightfully gaze (at her)

in awe,

(149) (he and) her mother Ningal blessed her,

(150) and then the gate post said unto her "Be hailed!"

(151) What each said to the nugig is exalted.

(152) Destroyer of enemy lands,
endowed with the ME from An,

(153) My Queen, draped in enchantment,
(to you) Inana be glory!

Enheduana, najstarejša znana pesnica z dokumentiranim imenom, ki je ustvarjala od okoli 2285–2250 pr. n. št. Bila je visoka svečenica boginje Inane in boga lune Nane (Sin). Živela je v sumerski mestni državi Ur. Enheduanina dela, ki so zagotovo pripisana njej, vključujejo več osebnih molitev k Inani in zbirko hvalospevov, znanih kot "Hvalnice sumerskih templjev". Njej se pripisujejo tudi druga besedila. Enheduana se zato šteje za prvo po imenu znano avtorico v svetovni zgodovini. Enheduanna je napisala 42 hvalnic, naslovljenih na templje po Sumeriji in Akadu, Besedila so rekonstruirana s 37 glinastih tablic iz Ura in Nipurja, ki večinoma izvirajo iz obdobja Ur III in Stare Babilonije. Zbirka je splošno znana kot "Hvalnice sumerskih templjev". Tempeljske hvalnice so bile prva tovrstna zbirka. Enheduana v njih navaja: "Kralj moj, ustvarjeno je nekaj, česar ni ustvaril še nihče". Prepisi hvalnic kažejo, da so bile zelo cenjene in v rabi še dolgo po njeni smrti. Med njena druga slavna dela spada "Hvalnica Inani" ali "Nin-Me-Sar-Ra", v kateri opisuje svojo osebno predanost boginji in svoj izgon iz Ura. Njene pesnitve so imele pomembno vlogo pri utrjevanju sinkretizma med Inano in akadsko boginjo Ištar.



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  • 16. 07. 2022 ob 11:30
  • Prebrano 246 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 111.7
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