Prevod dela: The Sound of Silence

Avtor izvirnika: Paul Simon


Zdravo mračnost ljubljena

Tišina moja blažena

Je kot mehkoba v moje sanje

Posejala se mi v spanje

Kot podoba ki poji možgane

Vedno ostane


Ko čutim zvok tišine                      

V nemirnih sanjah hodim sam

Tam kjer pot je tlakovan

Tam pod cestne luči sijem

V hladu s šalom se zavijem

Ko oko mi zbode blisk

Neonske luči


Ta trk noči

In stik z zvokom tišine

In v luči te praznine

Mi tisoči in tisoči

Govoré –  ne govorijo

Slišijo – a ne poslušajo

Pesnikujejo – a pesmi ne delé

Saj nihče noče

Motiti zvok tišine

So rekli da ne vem

Da kot rak je rast tišine


Poslušajte – se učite

Z roko se me dotaknite

Padajo besede kakor dež

V vodnjaku je odmev tišine

Molitev naj ne mine


Za božanstvo svetlosti

Ta opozorila znak

Tok besed je gost oblak

Znak modrosti je prerokov

Popisan je podzemne zid

Vesolja geoid

Je ta šepet in zvok tišine



14. 04. 2022 ob 07:51
14. 04. 2022 ob 07:53

Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains

Within the sound of silence                        

In restless dreams I walked alone              
Narrow streets of cobblestone                   
'Neath the halo of a street lamp                  
I turned my collar to the cold and damp    
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash    

of a neon light                                                   

That split the night                                
And touched the sound of silence     

And in the naked light I saw                
Ten thousand people maybe more    
People talking without speaking        
People hearing without listening       
People writing songs that voices never share

And no one dare                                                  
Disturb the sound of silence                

Fools said I you do not know               
Silence like a cancer grows                   

Hear my words that I might teach you     
Take my arms that I might reach you       
But my words like silent raindrops fell     
And echoed in the wells of silence            

And the people bowed and prayed           

To the neon god they made                              
And the sign flashed its warning                      
In the words that it was forming                     
And the sign said the words of the prophets    are written on the subway walls                       
And tenement halls                                            
And whispered in the sounds of silence          

Paul Frederic Simon (1941)

je ameriški glasbenik, pevec, pesnik in igralec, katerega kariera je trajala šest desetletij. Je eden najbolj priznanih piscev besedil popularne glasbe. 


Maša GL

14. 04. 2022 ob 14:08



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  • 14. 04. 2022 ob 07:50
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