
Original : Skladnost, avtor Silva Langenfus

Prevod: Ana Babič /related



You came along


Dug up the roots of my arms

From the withered soil


You uttered


You are not a tree, move

Your shadow is igniting entity


You're crouching, your knees stoic

Your mouth filled to the brim with dust,

Essence dimmed with fear


You are not a shrub, for me to dig up

You are not a treath, for me to remove

You are not carving, for me to replace


Complete me

Silva Langenfus

Komentiranje je zaprto!

Silva Langenfus
Napisal/a: Silva Langenfus


  • 25. 08. 2021 ob 11:46
  • Prebrano 286 krat

Uredniško pregledano.

Ocenjevanje je zaključeno!

  • Število doseženih točk: 16.32
  • Število ocen: 1
