Za mojo fravo

Sovražim, da me ocenjuješ in ne govoriš z menoj,
sovražim, kako voziš auto, pa četud je tvoj.
Sovražim, da skačeš v besedo in imaš vedno prav,
sovražim, da ob tebi sem drugačen človek postal.

Sovražim, če me ne pokličeš in če te ni ob men,
sovražim, če ti gre na jok, takrat mi ni vseen,
sovražim, da sem tak, da od vsega sranja na tem svet
najrajš mam tebe, pa čeprav ne najdem za to besed.

Gregor Markič Factotum

Gregor Markič Factotum

21. 02. 2021 ob 16:56


Gregor Markič Factotum

21. 02. 2021 ob 17:06
21. 02. 2021 ob 17:08

Spet en moj ne-prevod. Namesto najstnica fantu govori mož ženi. Od izvirnika sem vzel navdih in zanimiv verz.

I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare

I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme

I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry

I hate the way you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Gregor Markič Factotum
Napisal/a: Gregor Markič Factotum


  • 21. 02. 2021 ob 16:56
  • Prebrano 274 krat

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