It's called life

Whenever do I think about, you are there to help me out

I realize I breathe too deep, maybe too shallow or even in my sleep,

But when I am here, with you by my side, I realize we are meant to stay life.


Do you know it?

You think it is true?

That I am the right person for you

I don't mean for love, or something like that.

I just mean for the best friendship I've ever had.


You put me up with my craziness and when I am sad.

You love me when I laugh, you love me when I cry.

You are the person, that just walked in to my life.


Life puts you down and builds you up, no mather what ,I do have you by my side.

Whenever and whatever happens I know that, you are the best thing that I ever had.

And I wanna thank you for that.


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Napisal/a: zacarana


  • 21. 12. 2019 ob 09:32
  • Prebrano 426 krat

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