For you

For you, love,

for you, I would do anything!


For you, love,

I would swim all of the rivers and oceans.

For you, love,

I would break every known world record.


For you, love,

I would climb all the mountains.

For you, love,

my fingers would touch the sky.


For you, love,

I would walk every road.

For you, love,

I would move to every town.


For you, love,

I would gather all the flowers.

For you, love,

I would loot all the diamond mins.


For you, love,

I would count all them stars out there.

For you, love,

I would give up everything.


For you, love,

I would write numerous poems.

For you, love,

my verses would never dry up.


For you, love,

only for you beats my heart!

Thomas Jay

Komentiranje je zaprto!

Thomas Jay
Napisal/a: Thomas Jay


  • 31. 08. 2017 ob 18:41
  • Prebrano 453 krat

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  • Število doseženih točk: 54
  • Število ocen: 4
