Dear people

Dear people,

this song is for you.

I couldn't have written it

without an excuse.


Dear people,

would you understand?

What all I went through

and what all makes me sad?


Dear people,

how would you react?

When you would know

about someone that had

a crack in her head?


Dear people,

don't search for an excuse.

I already knew what's under that guise.

Nobody knows about how I feel,

but let's keep it real:

who would even make a big deal?


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Napisal/a: Chloe


  • 26. 09. 2015 ob 20:15
  • Prebrano 479 krat

Uredniško pregledano.

Ocenjevanje je zaključeno!

  • Število doseženih točk: 78.83
  • Število ocen: 3
