Book of Lasagna 57:1

I feel like a spec in middle of nothing
I see that my life is of laughing
I get to be boring
I get to be bored
is this the word with which we are born ?

One day I get angry
the other gets sad
is there a way not to feel bad ?

I have to take what day drags by
remembering my borrowed sly
that used to bring me sky high
hi, stranger
what makes you think you are in danger ?

Rotten clouds of memories lost
dwelling in my head no matter the cost
bringing together what I wish the most
or is it just the winter frost ?

Reminders of my age spread it ajar
now I know it's hard to be a tzar
from the vortex of a cookie-jar I choose the loudest bar
wondering if this means getting far ?

With monsters in my dungeons and fairies all around
the limbs are frozen and somewhat bound
ideas howling like a supercharged bloodhound
seeking a place to reep or sow some ground
and what we really found ?

I can stand the pain and I can easily devour the grain
but it makes no harmony to live in vain
years are seeming to be plain
gotta find the right vein
in which the gold will remain
whose is this reign ?

The stove is cold and there is no more coal
What is the target and what is the goal ?
It is just under my so(u)l(e) kicking rocks and acting like a mole
with troublesome but everlasting hole in
of your bride

and this little nothing

or will be laughing anyway, give or take a stupid day


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Napisal/a: Lasagna


  • 27. 02. 2015 ob 12:22
  • Prebrano 551 krat

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