Prevod dela: besedovanje

Avtor izvirnika: Vesna Šare - Deborah


you're dead meat you thieving oaf all fathers' bum

the basest gutter rat you sneaky snatcher of ideas

I was the first to come up with this it was my moons

that sprouted the seeds you voraciously pillaged and

subdued and let them grow apace


you won’t see me die so easy or so soon I'm a fighter

I've pulled a stone out of my body's cavities come here

my clump-footed fatherland come grovel before the sweat

the winner's wish with the apple-tree in his hair ah Goliath

ah you little bloodthirsty plant butcher


I'm right here you light-footed wimp the wisest of

wisecrackers the clown of all basements let me

have a bite of your red apple and spit the meat out

show me the embryo of discord I'll squash it like

no pip before you tooth-picking flytrap


hell no I won't let your stones touch my apple it's

mine the passion of my body and human cravings

the key to the great mystery saint peter’s pouch

I'll keep it for myself and try my strength against you

bald-headed I'll beat you with a grain of the word

Jupiter! Silvana Orel Kos

Jupiter! Silvana Orel Kos

31. 08. 2014 ob 22:57


Vesna Šare

31. 08. 2014 ob 23:05

Hvala, Jupiter!





Ana Porenta


02. 09. 2014 ob 20:26
02. 09. 2014 ob 20:26

Te pesmi pa ni bilo lahko prevesti! Občudujem ga in ti čestitam,



Jupiter! Silvana Orel Kos

05. 09. 2014 ob 19:15

Hvala, Ana. Res ni bilo lahko - potrebovala sem tudi Vesnino spodbudo:)  Ta prevod je ena od babilonsko zavitih različic v angleščini.  Lp, Jupi.


Vesna Šare

05. 09. 2014 ob 20:53

Prevod je res fantastično dober, oba sta dobra, tudi prevod pesmi biti v njegovih čevljih, to so mi potrdili ljudje, ki se spoznajo tako na angleški jezik kot na pesništvo. In oba prevoda sta našla pot na Ptuj, na powerpointu, kjer so ju obiskovalci lahko spremljali ob poslušanju, v zborniku vseh pesmi in na lističih, ki so se nekako znašli tam. :-)

Hvala še enkrat in lp,



Komentiranje je zaprto!


Jupiter! Silvana Orel Kos
Napisal/a: Jupiter! Silvana Orel Kos


  • 31. 08. 2014 ob 22:57
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